Marketing-minded entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

That’s why I encourage, educate, and empower business owners to have a marketing mindset.

Are you happy with your current marketing?

You’re not alone. Most small business owners are overwhelmed or unsure about their marketing.*

*Source: Rieva Lesonsky, Forbes, "A 2024 Report Reveals Small Business Marketing Challenges", April 30, 2024.

Gain direction and confidence for success.

Kevin McMillan will help you to generate the results and revenue you want through better marketing thinking.

Training based on 25 years of research.

For over 25 years, Kevin McMillan has empowered entrepreneurs to scale, expand, or sell their businesses.

Simple and easy.

I understand that you have limited time for marketing. Therefore, I created a simple and powerful method to

Kevin McMillan is an award-winning designer, social psychologist, and marketing consultant.

For over 25 years, Kevin McMillan has empowered entrepreneurs to scale, expand, or sell their businesses.

Even though McMillan was accepted into a marketing program with Ford Motor Company, instead, he dedicated himself to empowering small business owners. Kevin McMillan has worked with countless businesses, including moving to South Georgia to help revive a historic but dying downtown. After teaching workshops, providing consulting, and leading campaigns, the area began to thrive. Today, people from across the country come to eat at the restaurants or shop at the stores he helped.